Life in Lockdown is a blog series initiated by Greenwich Dance which features community and professional arists close to the organisation sharing how they are staying creative during these isolating times.
The artists have been asked to log their day-to-day activity during lockdown…. and our brilliant NRgDance artist, Vivian, kicks off the series!
Hello! I am Vivian, I originally come from Greece and moved to the UK in 2012 to study contemporary dance at Trinity Laban. I am a freelance performer, teacher and choreographer based in London. I teach young kids, teenagers, adults and professional dancers. I perform with different companies mainly in contemporary dance and dance theatre which gives me the chance to travel around! I also created my own dance company and made my first piece ‘Ego-Mas’ which will tour -hopefully!-in 2020. While I was still in training I started working with Greenwich Dance, which was my very first job in England! Now I have been with Greenwich Dance for almost 7 years, and I teach weekly dance classes and workshops for young people and prepare performances. I run classes across the borough, teaching a variety of dance styles and focusing in engaging community in dance and improving the quality of life of young people. I am also involved in different amazing trainings that Greenwich Dance organises that enhance our professional development and teaching skills.
Started my week off with some body conditioning and later took part in an online practioner training with ZoieLogic Dance Theatre!
How many ways can I fit in my window?

Here I am drawing a rainbow to put in the window for the children of the neighbourhood to find on their walks! I also made some delicious banana bread. If you want to make it, you can find the recipe on www.akispetretzikis.com/en

Improvising in my room to one of my favourite songs, Karsu – Brak Beni Boyle.
Finally, here I am teaching Greek folk dancing to my flatmates! It is called ‘hasaposerviko’. What I love the most about this dance is that it brings people together, and bringing people together during these times is the most creative thing I can think of!
Through the screen, the opposite pavements, the phone, the computer, let’s stay together!