Holiday Fun Fridays
Dates and times
10:00 – 16:00 every Friday from 29 July – 26 August
General Gordon Square, Woolwich
29 July – The RIDDLE featuring ‘Paen’ live & MidSummerland
05 Aug – The RIDDLE featuring ‘Paen’ live
12 Aug – The RIDDLE & MidSummerland
19 Aug – The RIDDLE & MidSummerland
26 Aug – The RIDDLE & MidSummerland

Join us every Friday this summer in General Gordon Square for some exciting dance fun!
Created by NOCTURN and Spin Arts, The RIDDLE is a fun, online outdoor experience where your phone is part of the problem – and the solution! Focused on a current societal concern (our consumption of digital technology), participants are tasked to help the central character ‘Pæn’, re-engage with the wonders of the outdoors by hunting down QR codes, solving riddles, making and sharing their own dance moves. Finding all six QR codes will unlock a new riddle. Solving them all unravels the whole mystery! This is an experience that will stretch your mind and your body. On 29 July and 5 August, Paen will be there in person to help you solve the riddles!
Plus, join us on 29 July, 12, 19 & 26 August and you can also take part in Anatomical’s audio adventure MidSummerland! Plug in your headphones and grab your partner before setting off on a magical journey through the festival. Take the Noodle Pathway past the Cannonball Hedgehogs, through the Thoughtful Field and into the mysterious tent where your fortune will be told. Make sure to save enough energy for the grand finale – the annual trifle dance!
Holiday Fun Fridays are free to attend and you don’t need to book in advance.
Holiday Fun Fridays are funded by The Royal Borough of Greenwich in partnership with CC Events UK and are a part of Royal Greenwich Festivals.
Both The RIDDLE and MidSummerland are available to purchase on ArtsUnboxed, our innovative platform for touring ideas rather than people. Find out more at