Up My Street ONLINE! Temujin Gill

Up My Street | 02 July 2020

WORLD PREMIERE – Thursday 2 July, 6pm

Film 2: Temujin Gill presents Essentials

From our living room to yours, Up My Street ONLINE! is a series of digital dance performances with choreographers Zoie Golding of ZoieLogic Dance Theatre, Matthieu Geffré of Rendez-Vous Dance, Temujin Gill of Grounded Movement and Sarah Blanc.

In this episode Sarah Blanc meets Temujin Gill of Grounded Movement to talk about the benefits and cultural relevance of jazz and Hip Hop dance, the risk of ‘cultural amnesia’, his piece celebrating the work of the NHS within the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games and the making of his brand new dance-for-camera film Essentials which he made with a community cast of 9 using Whatsapp and zoom during lockdown!

Edited by Roswitha Chesher and Martin Collins

With thanks to our funders Foyle Foundation, Royal Borough of Greenwich, Surf The Wave and Arts Council England

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